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LATEST maryville nurs 663 exam 2 Questions With Answers

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Lithium labs - ANSWER- level, NA, Ca, P, EKG, Creatinine, Urinalysis, CBC, TSH bipolar meds: depression - ANSWER- lurasidone (13+), olanzapine + fluoxetine (10+)(symbyax) bipolar acute and mixed mania - ANSWER- aripiprazole, risperidone, olanzapine (13+), quetiapine (acute only), asenapine (10+) classic mood stabilizers - ANSWER- Lamotrigine (excellent medication to use), lithium, Depakote (avoid in females if possible due to PCOS and Pregnancy), Tegretol, Trileptal (no evidence for true ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por contenthive76 • 
  • subido  27-02-2024
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