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LATEST COB218 Chapter 13 Questions Complete Marking Scheme

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Nora enters into a contract with Oceanic Transport, Inc., to insure and ship a painting from France to the United States for a certain price. But Oceanic makes a mistake in adding the costs, which results in a contract price that is $1,000 less than the true cost. Most likely, a court would - ANSWER- allow the parties to rescind the contract. Garth owns two all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), worth $1,000 and $500, re-spec-tively. Helen agrees to buy "Garth's ATV" for $750. Garth believes, in g...

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  • Examen
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por contenthive76 • 
  • subido  16-12-2023
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