NR 305 (NR 305)

Miami Dade College

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NR 305 Week 4 Discussion, Community Access to mental Health Services:
  • NR 305 Week 4 Discussion, Community Access to mental Health Services:

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 2 pagina's • 2021
  • NR 305 Week 4: Community Access to Mental Health Services Conduct a web search to identify health care services within your community aimed specifically at addressing this condition. Choose one: Depression, Suicidal ideation, Opioid addiction Answer the following questions in your post: When reviewing a client's health history and physical examination record, what are some findings (subjective and objective) that may indicate a need for further in-depth assessment for the condition yo...
  • $8.99
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NR 305 Week 4 Assignment: Patient Teaching Plan Form-Prevention of Hazards
  • NR 305 Week 4 Assignment: Patient Teaching Plan Form-Prevention of Hazards

  • Presentatie • 4 pagina's • 2020
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • NR 305 Week 4 Assignment: Patient Teaching Project – Patient Teaching Plan Form: Part 1 Purpose: The purpose of this Patient Teaching Project is to develop a patient teaching plan and create a visual teaching tool aimed at promoting health and preventing disease for a specified patient population. Directions: This Teaching Plan is Part 1 of the Patient Teaching Project. You will use this Patient Teaching Plan to create a Visual Teaching Tool in Part 2 of this project. You are required to compl...
  • $4.99
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