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EMT FISDAP READINESS EXAM 2 2023- 2024 ACTUAL EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS GRADED A+ Are administering oral glucose to a known diabetic. What should you be most concerned about? - ANSWER-The smell of acetone on breath 45 year old is 34 week

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EMT FISDAP READINESS EXAM 2 2023- 2024 ACTUAL EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS GRADED A+ Are administering oral glucose to a known diabetic. What should you be most concerned about? - ANSWER-The smell of acetone on breath 45 year old is 34 weeks complains of a severe headache, sensitivity to light, and swollen feet. Vitals signs are BP 130/88, P104, R 24 what should you suspect? - ANSWER-Preeclampsia A 10 month old is choking, what should you do? - ANSWER-Back blows First st...

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  • Examen
  •  • 18 páginas • 
  • por mumbi • 
  • subido  04-12-2023
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