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NRNP=6540=Wk 5=Case-Assignment NRNP=6540 Wk 5 Case=Assignment Case Title:A 67-year-oldWith Tachycardia and Coughing Ms. Jones is a 67-year-oldfemale who is brought to your office today by her daughter Susan. Ms. Jones lives with her daughter and is able

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NRNP=6540=Wk 5=Case-Assignment NRNP=6540 Wk 5 Case=Assignment Case Title:A 67-year-oldWith Tachycardia and Coughing Ms. Jones is a 67-year-oldfemale who is brought to your office today by her daughter Susan. Ms. Jones lives with her daughter and is able to perform all activities of daily living (ADLs) independently. Her daughter reports that her mother's heart rate has been quite elevated,and she has been coughing a lot over the last 2 days.Ms. Jones has a 30-pack per year history of sm...

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  • Examen
  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por charleskimani • 
  • subido  26-12-2023
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